The Lotus House Women’s Shelter~ Artist in Residence


Antonia Wright, The Lotus House Women’s Shelter ~ Artist in Residence, Women Who Stand on The Sun, 2012, HD video (excerpt)
Antonia Wright, The Lotus House Women’s Shelter ~ Artist in Residence, Women Who Stand on The Sun, 2012, HD video (excerpt)

During the month of April, Wright lived at the Lotus House Women’s Shelter as an artist-in-residence. Situated in the heart of the Overtown neighborhood of Miami, the shelter serves over 680 women and children annually who are without shelter, whether due to domestic violence, medical or health issues, disabilities, loss of employment or other economic reasons. Women and children are permitted to live for up to a year, accessing wrap-around support services and a wide range of educational, job readiness, and community resources. (

While at the shelter, the artist made a new video project called, Women Who Stand on The Sun. Wright worked one-on-one with guests from the shelter to create 12 single-channel videos. In each video, one sees a pair of feet floating in the air with the sun in between them. In the videos it appears that the women are floating and free.